Funny Quotes to Tell Your Sibling Theyre Annoying
Want the Best Funny Sister quotes?
Sisters are siblings you fight with, but cannot live without. Here are a few funny sister quotes for every scenario, from birthdays to boasting about yourself. Enjoy reading these quotes and use them too!
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Best Funny Sister quotes
I smile because you're my sister, I laugh because you can't do anything about it.
Sisters are the crabs in the lawn of life!
Sis, we are not getting older, we are getting awesome! Happy birthday!
Am I not the coolest person you know sister?
Sister, you are lucky to have me!
My younger sister is my responsibility. If you mess with her, you will be messing with me too.
Sister, you laugh, I laugh. You cry I cry. If you jump off a cliff, remember to do a flip!!
Adventures with your sister, are not as sweet as chocolates. They are like a jar of jalapenos. What we do, always comes back to bite our ass tomorrow.
Here's to another year of getting closer to Velcro shoes, sister!
Life is too short to be serious! If you can't laugh at yourself, call me up. I will laugh at your sister. Any day.
Sister, I like you better when you are asleep.
Only I can make my sister cry! You, on the other hand, don't even get to think about it.
You're like the first pancake sister, always a little weird.
Sister, you are annoying but I have to live with it.
I liked you better when you were a baby, sis!
Sister your poor jokes are always so poor.
A person without a sister is like a bird without wings.
Never let an angry sister comb your hair. You will go bald within seconds.
Sometimes, I like you better than a coffee sister. That speaks volumes.
Even if you were not my only sister, you would probably still be my favorite!
Sister may you live to be so old, that your driving terrifies people.
Someday we will be two old ladies.. but you go the first sister! I will follow you soon enough.
Happy birthday to my favorite sister! Wait, don't tell the others and put me in trouble!
Sister, I still believe you were adopted!
I saw the fairy coming your way, I knocked her out! I have always got your back sister!
Sister, can you grow up and start earning? Buy me gifts already, I have my list ready.
Some things get better with age. Like wine, and you! Happy birthday, sister!
My sister has the best sister.
Sister, you are life's greatest gift.
Sometimes I think I am ugly, but then I look at my sister and get over it.
Funny Sister Captions for Instagram
A sister is a best friend you can never get rid of.
Sis, being related to me is the only gift you will ever need.
Sisters are like fat thighs that stick together.
Do you think I'm crazy? You should meet my sister!
When I say, I won't tell anyone, my sister does not count.
We'll be the troublesome old ladies in the nursing homes.
I'm a big sister, which makes me the boss. Okay?
Forget Wonder-woman, I look up to you!
We are sisters. If I am mad at someone you are too!
We go together like drunk and disorderly.
Sisters are like cookies and milk. Whether they are crummy or sweet, they are better together.
I'm rich now, Thanks for all that free therapy throughout the years!
Happy national siblings day! To my oldest compatible donor!
Happy birthday to mom and dad's second favorite child of all time!
Breaking news: The government is going to start deporting all the mentally ill people. Run sister! RUN.
Happy birthday to someone who is gorgeous, smart, funny and reminds me of myself. From one fabulous sister to another.
Sister, you will always hit every decade before me! Happy realization!
Sister don't let anyone treat you like tap water, you are Fiji water.
Little sister, Why don't you stay little? I don't like you growing up!
Back off I have a sister and I am not afraid to use her at all. Shoo now.
My sister and I are not the kind of people you should put on speakerphone.
Hey sister, I miss you like an idiot misses the whole point of the statement!
I am not just a sister. I am a big wonderful cup covered in awesome sauce, with a splash of sass and a dash of crazy!
I just took a DNA test, it turns out I'm a 100% that crazy sister.
If you mess with a big sister, then there is always that crazy younger sibling you might have to deal with!
As your sister, it is my job to remind you of your inherent ugliness and pointlessness in the universe.
Sister, you will go grey before me! I will enjoy the spectacle.
My mom did not raise a dummy. If she did, it's my sister.
There are several benefits of being related to me! For example, I am your sister. Isn't that so beneficial? You are welcome.
Being a big sister means loving your sibling even if they don't love you in return.
Sister, you will always be my partner in crime. You have no option.
I wanted to send you a gift, sister. But they said I cannot mail myself.
Let's face it, nobody else would be able to handle your craziness sister. I should get a reward.
Sis, if you would do what I tell you to do, I would not have to be so bossy.
Sister, you are such a good cook! Even the fire alarm cheers you on!
Hey sister, I love you because you are awesome. Like me, might I add?
You and I are sisters. So if you fall, I will pick you up! But only after we both stop laughing.
Sister Captions Funny
Sister don't let anyone treat you like regular glue. You are glitter glue.
Sorry, I missed your call! I was too busy dancing to the ringtone I set for you!
Happy birthday, sister! Cheers to aging and wrinkles!
Sister, you are mom and dad's least favorite egg.
Dear sister, Happy birthday. If I had a different sister, I would punch her face and go find you!
My sister is only fluent in sarcasm.
Sister, friends come and go. But a wardrobe and her sister are for life! Can I please borrow your yellow dress?
Sister your life's greatest gift! Or so, I thought.
Admit it, sister, life without me would be so boring. Unimaginable, all things disappointing.
We are always better together! Like double trouble!
You and I will always be a couple of nuts fallen from the same tree! I mean you're a dumb nut sister, and I am the smart nut!
Roses are red, violets are blue, I have no rhyme but sister why you gotta be so rude?
Sister, we should have been in dumb and dumber! You could have played both the roles! It's a perfect fit!
You are my kaleidoscope of our childhood memories sister. Even the bitter moments.
I am a big sister. No questions, no arguments. We will do things my way.
We're older now. I cannot remember which one of us is a bad influence.
You know too much already. Guess we are stuck together forever now sister!
Sister, you shine, you dazzle, you twinkle like a star.
Sometimes, you make me doubt if I am the good or the evil sister.
Sister, I would love you, even if I did not have to.
Please ensure I am sitting upright at my funeral! I want to check if my sister is still stealing my clothes!
Happy birthday, sister, follow me to awesomeness!
Sister, you don't need any role model, when you have me!
I do so much yoga so that I can be calm when you annoy me, sister!
We don't need any entertainment! We are an entertainment sister!
Hey sis! Thanks for all those wrestle mania moments! I am doing well at defending myself!
I wonder if we are related to sometimes. Sister Because you always say something dumb!
You're the world's most okay sister!
Sister even photoshop cannot help you fix that face!
If you think I am an evil witch, please come meet my sister!
You're the kind of sister. That when your feet hit the floor each morning, even the Devil whispers "oh no".
People think we are a related sister! Just.. how could they??
Your sibling is the only enemy you cannot live without!
Do you realize, your kids will have the best aunt ever? Because I am your sister.
Sister, we are flowers from the same garden. Except, you are all thorny and painful. I am beautiful and fragrant.
Brothers and sisters are peas in a pod. And bugs in a rug, birds of a feather. And forever together!
Sister, I love you more than yesterday. Yesterday you got on my nerves.
I smile because you are my sister in law. I laugh because you married my brother. Good luck.
Dear Santa, please leave presents this Christmas. Take my sister instead of cookies and milk!
Sister if anybody kidnapped you, they will immediately bring you back. Because of how much you speak. God bless their ears.
Sisters can be like night and day, poles apart, yet identical in a way!
She's my sister, you break her heart, I will break your face.
Sisters are the backup you can always count on! No matter when no matter where.
Happy birthday, sister! I have a gift for you. Just kidding.
Sister, we are like Pumba and Timon. I am Timon of course!
I am the youngest sibling, your rules don't apply to me, sister!
Happy birthday, sister, I hope your day is as amazing as I am!
I realized we are stuck together for life sister! Might as well, start being nice to me.
Funny Insta Captions for Sisters
Sister, I didn't mean to hit you on the face! I wanted to high five you.
We will always be together! I will haunt you even after I am gone, sister!
Annoying you is my favourite pass time sister!
Hey sister! People should use us an example of being frenemies!
My relationship with my sister is anywhere in between, Don't breathe next to me to I will help you hide the body!
You can fool the world sister, but not me. Never me.
We are the granddaughters of the witches they could not burn!
What do you mean no pets allowed? This is my sister.
Sister, you are the SHE to my nanigans!
Little sister, you always make me feel like a mom!
Sister if I saw it first, it is mine. If it's broken it is yours.
I wanted to remind you that today is mother's day. That makes me a better child for remembering! Keep up, sister!
Sister, you are not old. You are vintage.
Siblings are like sour patch candy. They are sour and sweet, all in one go.
Sister, you remind me of my friend from China. Ug Lee.
Words fall short to describe how troublesome you are a sister.
Sister, you are a headache, but also the medicine to cure at times.
I don't need any kids, I have you already sister!
Sister thanks to you, I hit the BFF jackpot!
You were dropped when you were a baby. That's why your screws are lost, sister.
Hey, don't trouble me. I have a crazy sister, who has anger issues. She cusses a lot. Dislikes idiots. Don't mess with me. She might slap you so hard, that even Google will not be able to find you.
Sister, you will always be my most cherished present! A siblings bond is often hard to put into words! It can vary. But, the bonds between them are unbreakable! Embrace each moment you spend with your sister!
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